

What is meant by Innovativeness?

Innovativeness is applying creative thinking for - Creating a new product, service or process.


Making an existing product or process more beneficial.


If we want to be good leader, we have to be innovative and if we want be innovative, we have to think out of the box.

To become an innovative person, we have to overcome Assumptive Limitations and Associative Barriers.

What is Assumptive Limitation?

We often assume some constraints ourselves if we were given any problem to solve. Assuming without asking for the clarity is what Assumptive Limitation is.

What is Associative Barrier?

A person with high associative barriers will quickly arrive at conclusions when confronted with a situation since his thinking is more focused. He will recall how the problem has been solved in the past and how people in a similar situation handled it.

Indeed, they restrain our capacity to think broadly when confronted with a situation. We do not challenge our assumptions and we create barriers to alternate ways of thinking.

How do we overcome Assumptive Limitations and Associative Barriers?

How to be innovative and creative thinker?

There is a technique called SCAMPLER Technique which can be used to generate unique ideas.

The SCAMPLER technique is a team brainstorming technique used to develop or improve products or services.

SCAMPLER is actually an acronym and each letter stands for one thinking technique:

Example for SCAMPLER:
Let us consider a case where our famliy members are not keen about taking breakfast and they often miss it. So, we need to solve this issue by finding appropriate ideas to make everyone not to miss breakfast.
We now use SCAMPLER techinque to find the ideas.

I this way, we can find more efficient and effective ideas.

Few motivational quotes that will inspire:

  1. “My definition of Innovative is providing value to the customer.” - Marry T Barra
  2. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” - Steve Jobs
  3. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein