

What is meant by Perseverance?

Perseverance means striving to achieve goals in spite of difficulties.

It is the most common habit of Leaders.


What are the real-life instances?

  1. Colonel Harland Sanders - KFC owner knocked 1009 doors to sell his KFC for the first time.
  2. Thomas Alva Edison failed 1000 times before inventing a bulb.
  3. Elon Musk – Both Tesla and SpaceX were on the brink of bankruptcy in the year 2008.
So, Be prepared for failures when you are persevering your goals.

What is the relation between perseverance and goal?

To persevere, he/she must know what is his/her SMART goal

What is SMART goal?

The components of SMART goal are:

SMART is an acronym and it can be specified as below SMART goal will pull you out from your comfort zone.

You can find an example for SMART in below video

Pyramid of Goals

After finding your goals by following the SMART technique, you need to arrange them in the form of a pyramid by keeping low-level goals (usually Habits/ Tasks) at bottom. Your one final goal must be on top and fill middle part with the Medium-level goals.

Watch the below video to get clarity on Pyramid of Goals

What are the techniques to persevere?

Tools for overcoming setbacks

  1. Don't take any decision when disheartened. Analyse instead.
  2. Allow TIME for rejuvenation. Time reduces the severity.
  3. Treat each setback as an opportunity for learning.
  4. Get advice from someone who knows about you well.
  5. When pursuing a SMART Goal, set backs are to be expected. Plan for remedies in advance.

Few motivational quotes to Persevere :

  1. “If you want to shine like the sun, first burn like the sun.” - APJ Abdul Kalam
  2. “If you have never failed, you have never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein
  3. “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King
  4. “Never give up, because great things take time.”