
Problem Solving

What is meant by Problem Solving?

Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.

Leader must have a great problem solving skills in order to be a great and inspiring leader.


What is Problem Solving is all about?

Problem solving is all about identify the real problem – not the symptom.

But then might be a question arise how to identify the real problem correctly?

The most effective and efficient technique to identify the real problem correctly is to use 5 whys technique.

This technique was discovered by the Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Industries Corporation.

The 5 Whys Technique:

The method is remarkably simple: when a problem occurs, you drill down to its root cause by asking "Why?" five times or until the root cause of problem is discovered.

Let’s have a look at an example:
Problem: Ran through a red light.
Why?: Late for work.
Why?: Woke up late.
Why?: Alarm clock broke.
Why?: Didn’t check if it worked.
Why?: Forgot to do it last night.

Watch the below video to understand clearly what the 5 Whys techinque is

But what next?

After identifying the root cause of the problem, we have to find an effective and efficient solution.

To solve the problem, there is a great technique called Reverse Brainstorming Technique.

Reverse Brainstorming Technique:

There are five steps to implement the Reverse Brainstorming technique which is as follows:

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Reverse the problem
  3. Collect ideas
  4. Reverse the ideas
  5. Evaluate the ideas and identify solutions

Let’s take an example of Doctor’s office. The doctors want her to improve patient satisfaction with their visits. She prepares by writing down the problem statement:

Then she reverses problem statement:

Next step is to collect the ideas to solve this reversed problem and here are some that she discovered:

Then she reversed the ideas and discussed with her team. Well-resulting discussions are quite revealing. For example:

The reverse brainstorming session revealed many improvement ideas that the team could implement swiftly.

Watch the below video to undertand the Reverse Brainstorming Technique clearly

Few motivational quotes that will inspire:

  1. “When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” - Anthony J. D’Angelo
  2. “If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.” - Steve Jobs
  3. “Solve the problem, or leave the problem. Do not live with the problem.” - Albert Einstein